Alice O. Fung

Full Stack Web Developer

New York, NY

About Me

I love poking at puzzles, creating things, and immersing myself in code and possibilities.


Find your someone to pair program and learn with

  • Created, with a team of 6 developers, a pair-programming network site using Agile Development to allow continuous integration of new features.
  • AngularJS app using Ruby on Rails as an API featuring customized mailboxer gem for email subscription, Omniauth for external website logins, and Devise.
Codelegy: let's pair logo


A Facebook Clone

  • Completed a basic Facebook clone where users can sign up, post, comment, like things, friend users, and upload photos.
  • Ruby on Rails app featuring mailers, delayed job queues, AWS S3 integration, AJAX requests, and a full test framework.
person looking at Facebook profile page on laptop


A Trello Clone

  • Built a lite Trello Clone where users can create, edit and delete boards, lists, cards, and card members.
  • Uses a Ruby on Rails API to create an AngularJS Single Page App using services, ui-router, and modals.
open laptop, notebook, and pen on desk with a whiteboard with sticky notes in the background of the room

Qubits Learning Center

Academic and SAT 1 on 1 tutoring in Seattle, WA

  • Created a responsive website that meets tutoring center's needs
  • Optimized Performance by minimizing latency and reducting rendering time via methods such as image reduction/compression, minifying/uglifying files, and optimizing the critical rendering path
teacher's hand writing on green chalkboard

Game Center

Play A Few Classic Browser Games

Recreated simple Javascript Browser games when I first started learning javascript:

game controller on the floor